Tuesday, 8 September 2009


Last Saturday was the return to monthly art workshop meetings and I decided to make it a fun day, so requested our Maggie to bring along a selection of 'dressing up' outfits from her enormous collection she offers to local theatrical groups, schools and for fancy dress parties/events. She brought along such variety and colourful outfits for members to take turns in modelling . The idea had been about 15 minutes each, but as everyone drawing got so engrossed each 'model' astounded me in being able to keep still for up to half an hour, with a few breaks for a wiggle or stretch.

We started off with Helen wearing a soft green toned kaftan with headdress, when we started the day with graphite sketches.
early stages of two pencil sketches

We then moved onto using charcoal, white chalk and sanguine conte on coloured pastel paper I had provided including black. Our model wore her own clothes as they consisted of a long navy and white patterned skirt with a deep red long sleeved top.

again early stages before adding sanguine or white chalk highlights

We then came to our full coloured pastel session using both pastel pencils and soft and hard pastels on coloured ground of each member's choice.

two very colourful gypsy pastel paintings in progress on coloured ground

A difficult session next with block washes of watercolours or inks with no underlying line drawing. Here our model wore a fetching number including long black wig and royal blue gown with gold trim, belts and jewellery as Cleopatra.

Finally, in the belief that members had practiced sufficient skills throughout the day not to need my advice, I dressed up as a pierrot and for a change posed standing ( leaning against a tall backed chair I might add for support). Their brief was to work in mixed media, using as many of the previous materials as possible.

Great day with well deserved coffee, lunch and tea breaks thrown in . We voted to work in acrylics next month as they had so enjoyed our first venture into this medium last November.
Sorry such a long post to read through, but wanted you to see how well everyone progressed through the programme I had planned for the day.


debwardart said...

Sounds like great fun - so many good ideas. It's wonderful that you have the ability to work in so many mediums and pass along your knowledge in a lighthearted, fun but also educational way.

RH Carpenter said...

Sounds like a wonderful taste of many mediums, Joan. Good program and I wish I could have been there!

Robert A Vollrath said...

I love these posts. The longer the better:)

cathyswatercolors said...

Thanks for sharing, lucky you, fun with friends and arty stuff.

Joan Sandford-Cook said...

As you all say, it was great fun and a chance for members of my little artwork group to go over many media guidelines and previous learning sessions we have had together.

Robert A Vollrath said...

I have a couple of pictures on my blog of the Rose Pearl painting.

Margaret Ann said...

I love that you dressed up and modeled...What fun!