Some time ago Anita (the famous Davies columnist we all know) sent me the above award. Meanwhile I went off air while I had a new computer system installed and have today tried to see if I can continue the chain of awards to blogs I admire. The problem with me is I am not adept at playing around with these blogs - but here goes:
I have some very regular visitors to my blog and would like to share some of their work with you:
Robert - a great story writer who also creates artwork - from the USA http://endangeredtruth.blogspot.com/
Claudia - from Germany whose style I simply love http://time-passages.blogspot.com/
Robyn - an Australian who moved to Tuscany and paints beautiful local sketches http://havedogswilltravel.blogspot.com/
Joan - her blog address says it all http://www.drawingonnature.blogspot.com/
Then there is Sam - who doesnt visit my blog but is the Chairman of the Norfolk Organisation for Visual Artists and a wonderful artist of the female form http://knifepainter.blogspot.com/
Then theres some amazing works of art from
Justin Taylor http://justintaylorart.blogspot.com/ and
Sandy Maudlin http://sandymaudlin.blogspot.com/
If you decide to participate, the rules of accepting are as follows:1) Put the logo on your blog.2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.4) Add links to those blogs on yours.5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.