Earlier this year I was asked to paint a lovely local cottage in acrylic on canvas 36" x 24" and to my embarrassment could not find time until late into summer to start it, but more embarrassing was I never got round to finishing it until Autumn came along as I was so busy with work for events and shows throughout the year. I am happy to say it was delivered to very satisfied clients, who have given me permission to add it to my blog. So....
here is the finished work
Thought you'd enjoy seeing how it progressed from initial stages, so some different images for you to look at
early blocking in stage
It was difficult to get the basic drawing down, as in real life half the house is hidden by a large tree in the flowerbed lane side of the driveway. Took me ages going back and forward to set the various windows in place, as the left hand third was, in fact, a separate cottage at one time and the windows are different shape and sizes to the rest. Even, you may notice, the roof line was slightly lower!! As for the three chimneys they all seemed different.
here is a close up of the left hand cottage showing the longer shaped windows and the left hand flower bed from plants back in the late summer.
Here is the porch area, with the delightful unusual coloured door. 
and finally a bit of artistic licence where I have brought the brick post with the numbers of the two cottages forward from the entrance to the drive. I simply had to add the soft pink summer roses that grow in that righthand side flower bed beneath the lounge windows.

What you might spy in the finished image at the top is the added acrylic gel with glass beads to create the feeling of the pebble drive surface.
It was a long job but once drawn in I thoroughly enjoyed the painting from the brickwork to the flower beds, porch and even the windows!!