Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Seems being laid up at home for a few days during the first of the Spring sunshine has proved quite useful to get my garden sketchbook going again. I noticed a group of little violets yesterday against the stone wall, alongside a violet flower pot with pale lemon daffodils. Think it will make a lovely little study over the weekend.
Monday, 22 March 2010
Last Wednesday I had a minor op on my knee to remove a floating piece of cartilage about the size of a little finger!! No wonder I had been in trouble over the past year!! Yesterday, I started to get bored but did not feel up to tackling my St Nics second oil painting that only has its first block layer.
So I hopped into the garden to find there were crocus mixed up with snowdrops, my little irises and a gorgeous warm coloured hellabore in full bloom. Did not fancy staying out, so had to photo them to get myself settled down in the sunroom with Clive's help and open up my lovely garden sketchbook. This was supposed to be visited on a monthly basis, but this is the first entry this year. I have managed three pieces though during yesterday and this afternoon.
Today I am showing you my hellabores, compiled from 4 different photos. Below is the double spread detailing the White Knights watercolours I used. I chose this set, as I knew I had lots of varying warm colours and would need to add lots of layers to develop the rich strong tone. Just in case it does not enlarge, might mention I added what they call Ruby as an after thought layer to bring out the richness of the petals. Needless to say, I used masking fluid to save the seeds as I made my washes. Turned out quite botanical this study as I took my time over the shapes drawn with a light lavender watercolour pencil, then added layer upon layer of colour.
Friday, 19 March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
I liked this painting so much that I decided to make a pair to enter into the Eastern Open this year and here is the result. This time I added far more birds flying over and this time much darker and added the inevitable reeds that grow around our marshes and fenland of East Anglia.
Not only to remind you of the first painting under this title Flying over the Marshes, but to see them together, I took a photo of them as a pair. They are 20" x 8" canvases with both interative and ink acrylics.
Sandra kindly delivered them for me to our local collection point and now one must wait to see if the very august selection committee think anything of them. The panel consists of Artists & Aspire Project Leader, Head of Quality at Liverpool School of Art and Design and Senior Curator of Fashion at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. I hope I will be lucky a third time having been accepted in 2006 ands 2007. Tried last year with my flowers from my travels in Amsterdam and South Africa, but realise now they were not suitable for this event. I find that one of the hardest things to work out - what is right for which venue.
Friday, 12 March 2010
- 'All these plants painted herald the renewal of life year on year from the cyclamen in the woodland glen, the snowdrops fighting up through the cold winter earth, to the dandelion seed with its cleverly structured parachute to be carried away by the wind to grow anew far from its parent plant. '
Sunday, 7 March 2010
We had four new members to the group and some of their morning practicing work is shown below: The first two images show work by two young teenagers who joined us with undoubted artistic talents wishing to develop their skills.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
to and some of the work I sold through their very successful exhibitions.

Well, at long last I have completed my latest project that has kept me so busy. Its a little soft covered 36 page book showing some 70 images of paintings I have exhibited and sold since 2000 - thus the title. Two pages that really worked well were of my sketchbooks, with three samples from my garden floral sketchbook and three from my trip to South Africa.
The book is available on - the link is alongside above my profile - if any one would like to purchase and have a record of my efforts over these ten years. Below is the contents page to give you an idea of the range covered and my art connections here in England. Many of the images would have been posted over the past two years of blogging, but you might find the text alongside of interest.

Below is the page detailing very briefly my studies and contact details, with a little painting I did when I arrived in the Fenland region of East Anglia, England in 2000.
(although I have removed my address details for this blog entry).
Please don't feel obliged to purchase, just thought you'd like to know about it. Hopefully they will all enlarge with that magical click! Just in case there is a problem due to quantity of content, I have uploaded them the largest available. If you want to see more pages you can preview some of the book at the blurb website - under Public Books click on the book cover and then on Preview.