We sketched the whole time, dabbled our toes in the lake seated on the new landing stage decking at the bottom of steps all recently built by Tony. Paddled in the sea, walked along the seashore to the yacht club, across to the lake and one of the causeways. Walked on Sunday morning to the RSPB centre and other than that lazed away the time in the sun, eating and sipping our favourite rose wine.
Here is my sketch of some of their boats moored in the lake.

Late afternoon sketch down on the water's edge as the tide was going out.

Sketch Sunday morning at the RSPB gateway near the Rotary Hide.

... and the last one I am planning to post is of Friday evening in the cottage, when we got together some of the lovely object d'art to create a still life painted by CANDLELIGHT as there is no electricity in the cottage only small strip lights in each room run on batteries. !!

An amazingly happy three days in a wonderful setting all to the generosity of my friends Tony and Ruth who allowed us to stay in the family cottage that used to be owned by Tony's grandma and where he spend every summer holiday as a boy playing 'Swallows and Amazons' with canoes, rowing and sail boats. Our grateful thanks.