Some time ago Anita (the famous Davies columnist we all know) sent me the above award. Meanwhile I went off air while I had a new computer system installed and have today tried to see if I can continue the chain of awards to blogs I admire. The problem with me is I am not adept at playing around with these blogs - but here goes:
I have some very regular visitors to my blog and would like to share some of their work with you:
Robert - a great story writer who also creates artwork - from the USA http://endangeredtruth.blogspot.com/
Claudia - from Germany whose style I simply love http://time-passages.blogspot.com/
Robyn - an Australian who moved to Tuscany and paints beautiful local sketches http://havedogswilltravel.blogspot.com/
Joan - her blog address says it all http://www.drawingonnature.blogspot.com/
Then there is Sam - who doesnt visit my blog but is the Chairman of the Norfolk Organisation for Visual Artists and a wonderful artist of the female form http://knifepainter.blogspot.com/
Then theres some amazing works of art from
Justin Taylor http://justintaylorart.blogspot.com/ and
Sandy Maudlin http://sandymaudlin.blogspot.com/
If you decide to participate, the rules of accepting are as follows:1) Put the logo on your blog.2) Add a link to the person who awarded you.3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs.4) Add links to those blogs on yours.5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
Hello Joan,
I'm back again! Thank you so much for the award; tomorrow I will pass it on to seven other bloggers!- I'm thrilled about all your last posts with such b e a u t i f u l paintings and sketches!
keep up the excellent work and have a nice day,
hugs from Claudia
Joan - Thank you so much, I'm really touched to be to receive this award from you.
Joan- This is a nice way for me to start the day. I haven't got award for anything in so many years that I forgot what it felt like.
You have helped me with my writing with your kind comments and this award is a nice tip of the hat from one creative soul to another.
Thank you and I'll pass it on.
I'm having trouble putting the award up on my computer. I'm sure I'll figure it out but it will be a week or two before I can spare the time to play with it again.
Joan! I am very, very honored! :) From one Joan to another, your art rocks! Thanks again!!!!!
Thanks for your responses everyone and your emails Sandy.
Claudia and Joan - forgive me I could not put your surnames on the link list on the right, as I didnt know them!! Thanks for the hug Claudia.
.........I do visit !
thanks for the award Joan. x
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