These two images make my first double spread in the lovely handmade sketchbook I told you about a few posts ago. I purchased the unique fuchsia from a local nurseries and it has reached around 3 ft width in a big pot on one of our wooden benches by the front door. Its nicer to see it higher than at ground level. Its called SATELLITE and the 'skirt' separates into 4 individual petals as it develops.
I painted many layers to achieve a velvety feel to the main sketch using Winsor and Newton watercolours from scarlet lake to permanent rose and quinacridone magenta. I accidentally dropped a blob of the Winsor yellow on both pages (trust me!!), so decided to add something in the bottom left hand corner to try to bring the blob into the sketch. Hopefully it worked, as this was my first piece of work and I was cross I had spoiled the clean fresh first page double spread.
Well, at least I have at last started my wonderful book.
The first page is always the toughest! Great start to the new journal. Well done!
That Fuchsia is wonderful, Joan - your, colours, values and form are stunning. You are off to a fantastic start with this botanical sketchbook.
The fuscia is so nicely painted that I didn't even notice the yellow blobs 'til you mentioned them! Exhilarating and nerve-racking to start a new sketchbook.
Glorious start Joannie...I like the 'blobs' ;)
If you hadn't told us, we would have thought the blobs were on purpose like Anita does in her sketchbooks. I think they add character. Very lovely and delicate job on the fuschia.
LOL I never would have guessed they were an accident... but then I have been looking at Roz Stendahl's journals and she decorates her pages that way :) much as Anita does!
It is a beautiful start to a beautiful journal :)
Thanks all. It seems I must continue to spill colour onto my pages - on purpose!! Thinking of painting another fuchsia that has very long thin 'skirt'. Hope Ive got the label so I can name it.
Beautiful start! thank you for showing me, I love to see how my books are used, it's very exciting!
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