Here are a couple of pastels on coloured pastel paper I did before Christmas break -
surprised how well the soft colours worked on the pink background.
After a holiday break yesterday the interesting 5 position sketch was an idea of our model (who is also an artist) to stand with arms out and move every 5 minutes around in a circle. I used my new Inktense pencils - different colour for each pose. It was great fun with not a moment to 'think'.
To be able to hold her arms above her head for a length of time, our model brought in a cane to hold onto and I did this in pentel black pens of varying width and added some skin tones in watercolour pencil and then added water with my brush that holds water in the handle
Since moving to Norfolk last summer I attend these weekly life drawing sessions at a gallery in Foxley and the model is wonderful putting herself into awkward, tense positions for short sketches and even standing on a stool holding onto the beams in the gallery... must have been a barn conversion. . As you may see, I love just doing a portion of the pose where the lines attracts me most. Simply did her feet when we arrived yesterday to get me into the right mood/mode.
Joan those pastels are gorgeous and yesterdays 5-way-pose makes for such an interesting piece.
Nice work. I've got to get back to drawing live models.
Beautiful work on the coloured ground, Joan. Lovely colour harmony.
Anita, Robert and Robyn - thanks for keeping in touch and your kind comments. I too was delighted I found a regular life drawing group to join not too far from my new home (20 miles.) Delighted my ramblings re your Invisible Picnic story Robert gave you encouragement to go on. I am honoured. Take a peek everyone and read this fantastically atmospheric piece of work. Sorry. not IT clever enough to add a link here but just click on Robert at the beginning of his comment above and you'll find it. .
I've just seen the link from Anita's blog to yours ... how exciting, didn't realise you were "here"! I've enjoyed seeing your Magic Gardens - and I love your use of colour in the pastels from your life class.
emma-jane - I linked through to your blog and website and fell in love with your use of pastel. I have a lovely 72 set of Unisons but hardly use them nowadays except for these life sessions. I was bowled over by your portraiture especially the young children. .. and the animals. Thanks for popping across from Anita - amazing news she posted re Cambs Times.
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