This is me enjoying an afternoon in the garden painting a very free watercolour of my irises. Unfortunately we had had two full days of heavy rain previously and the heads were in great distress. In fact they were so heavy some were almost touching the floor and I had to stake them back upright.
I was so inspired by my afternoon's work that a few days later I redrew one of the heads much larger and painted it in my studio/den. I used my White Knights watercolours and mainly a Kolinsky sable Cirrus series long handled size 4 brush. The warm colours were mixed from prussion blue and violet rose and the creamy central petal raw sienna and lemon. The greens were a mix of lemon then adding bluey green leaving the lemon clean for the folds where the light was catching , followed by much darker washes and touches of raw sienna. Finally adding some dark lines along the length of the leaves following the folds to give movement.
What a lovely scene all around--the iris, you enjoying the iris.
I was just outside, where I was admiring our first iris of the season. A small fellow, but still wonderful. I've been in this house for two years, and am thinking I must order some new iris. There's a wonderful place here in the states dedicated to selling all varieties of the bearded iris. I've planted them in many different yards, and have even given them as housewarming gifts.
Cant believe Lottery girl that you have commented already - did you catch the post before I had edited and added the detail at the end of the colours I used?? Irises are truly wonderful especially these bearded ones. We moved into our present home last August so I had not seen the irises in bloom until now. What a joy and so many and so large.
I have your blog in an RSS feed that comes directly into my e-mail, which is convenient!
You do have an especially nice variety of bearded iris. They appear to be quite tall. My favorite of all is one called Mary Frances, which looks similar to yours. When I have given a collection of iris, this is always the favorite. It is purple and white, and quite tall, with huge blooms. It's also extremely hardy.
The bearded are superior to the dutch iris that are found in bouquets from the florist. One of the biggest differences is that the bearded are rhizomes, whilst the dutch are from bulbs. I've grown them both.
Having them at your new house is a treat. I did catch the post before you edited it, but have looked again. Even prettier!
I've been enjoying your blog for a while now and I must say I think your irises are lovely, both the real things and your drawings. Arn't the White Night watercolours nice to use? For cheapies they're goodies.
Beautiful job and just my color. Purple. I clicked on your photo and got a really up close view of you. Nice to see you relaxing and painting.
We both posted paintings of flowers on the same day. See how your blog has inspired me.
Your Irises are wonderful!
Gorgeous capture of the Irises, Joan. I always love your botanical watercolours. You look very happy sitting there under that umbrella surrounded by garden.
Sadly our Spring Irises have finished now.
Hi Lor Lor - Nice to meet a lady from Ireland. I left a post on your blog. Im glad you visit regular and enjoy my posts. Agree the White Knights are amazingly good value and beautifully soft to mix.
Hi Jeanne - Hope the close up of me didnt put you off visiting my blog again - I looked such a scruffbag - it was either wash my hair well overdue or paint the irises - well we all know which won. !!
Thanks for popping in Robert - Ive commented on your flower en plain air study on your blog. Oils outdoors - so brave.
Thanks Robyn for commenting - I think we all love irises they are so different from other plants. I did a 36" wide canvas study of different types last year in acrylic paste but ruined all the hard work on the last one!! Might post it one day and you can all see how I botched it up!!
Excuse my childish moment but.....
I've seen them in real life...ner ner ner ner ner!
Okay, I'm done!
Gorgeous work Joannie!
Thanks pal. How did your's turn out - hope it didnt die on you on the journey.
OH, how beautiful!
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