Since my post on the 24th May, thought you'd like to see how I am progressing with this oil painting for the West Norfolk Artists Exhibition. My only concern is if the Michael Harding paints will be dry in time for delivery on the 7th July, so I decided to add the flower arrangement now, which is thickly applied to help the flowers stand out from the architecture - as if they dont with their colour!!
I've introduced Prussian Blue to my palette as an overlay in the shadow areas and a little Indian Yellow on the back wall but I think this may need to be warmer but I'll wait until I add the rings of circular lights which need to stand out from the background.
OH MY!!!
I thought this was a photo because it's so perfect--then I clicked on to enlarge it and of course, it's much lovelier than a photo. GORGEOUS!!!
Very nice. I must do some oil painting soon. You make it look so fun.
Thanks Lottery Girl for making such a lovely comment and for popping in Robert. I've added the circular hanging lights which made me add some more glowing colours on the left of the far pillars. Only have to add the horizontal lines (quite gently) in the stonework of the pillars and I would say I've finished. Just must wait for it all to dry in time.
Beautiful work, Joan! I agree- way nicer than a photo.
Thanks Casey for popping in with a comment. I'm delighted to say it is now finished and I have the exact perfect frame already in my stock. Dont know whether to post it yet again finished and framed - my visitors might be fed up with it by now!!???
The stone work looks wonderful Joan, nicely finished. Beautiful painting, I bet it is going to look fabulous in the church...Can't see it staying there long before someone snaps it up!
Thanks Anita - looks even more interesting now I've added the global lights hanging between the pillars and the glow on the side of the pillars. Altered the flowers a little too. Not hopeful of sales now that our exhibition is not linked to the gallery in town since it moved to Holt - which used to bring people out to the chapel. Anyway, lets say I am cautiously hopeful but sales in Norfolk everyone tells me is very poor this year to date - weather and hard cash I think.
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